
my name is rose (27, she/they) :3

i like making art every now and then and sharing my thoughts can be fun c: nyaforg is my 'sona, basically i couldn't decide if i wanna be a cat or a frog so i decided i'll just do both C: Usually i go by rowie324 on the interwebs but its been a while and i rly identify with nyaforg, even if "nyaforg" is a bit cumbersome to say, its sorta stuck and i don't think its going anywhere any time soon <:

i live with my 2 fiancees, Ashe and Bear :3 they're wonderful and we've been goin strong as a triad since 2018!! im rly proud of the life we've built together <3


also here's a self portrait i made some time ago <3 Drawing 12 (1)